New Customer Special


Get 5-20% off your first purchase on our website!
Use code:
NEWBIE5(5% off). Minimum purchase amount: $50.
NEWBIE10 (10% off). . Minimum purchase amount: $100.
NEWBIE15 (15% off). . Minimum purchase amount $150.
NEWBIE20 (20% off). . on purchases over $200.
at checkout.
Limited time offer! Shop now and save!»

«New Customer Discount Policy:

* First-time customers are eligible for a one-time discount of 5-20% off their initial purchase.
* Discount codes NEWBIE5 (5%off), NEWBIE10 (10%off), NEWBIE15 (15%off) and NEWBIE20 (20% off) can be used at checkout
* Minimum purchase amount: $50 a minimum amount.
* Cannot be combined with other promotions or coupons.
* Only applicable to online purchases made on our website.

By applying this discount, we welcome new customers and encourage first-time purchases. The policy is clear and easy to understand, ensuring a smooth shopping experience.»

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